My Dad has always made me feel like I am his favorite daughter. He has a way of making all 5 of us girls feel that way. He's told me before that he didn't know what to do with so many girls, he had always pictured himself with sons, but I must say that he is the perfect man for the job of being a Dad to 5 girls and 1 boy.
Some of my first memories are of Sunday mornings when I would get ready for church and my Dad would see me and say: "Chels, you look like a million bucks!" That is the greatest compliment he can give to any person, and it always has meant a lot to me when he says it. He taught me and Meg how to fish, how to play softball, how to be gracious winners, and how to be content and grateful for what you have. He has always had a gift for meeting new people and making them feel comfortable and feel like they've known him for years. He is a hard worker. He has always been very conscientious of Meg and I as individuals. He has known our differences from the beginning and always helped us grow those differences and be comfortable with being an individual. He has always done little things to make me feel important. Whether it was taking me around the block in his truck while I chewed Grape Bubblegum (he always knew how much Meg and I loved bubblegum), stopping at the gas station to get chocolate milk because we needed a random treat, or listening to me and Meg sing "Somewhere Out There" when we were 4 years old and needed an audience.
Over the years I have learned to know him as more than just my Dad, he is a wonderful man. He has been through so much in his life, and he always tries to teach me the lessons he has learned so I don't have to go through the same things and so I can avoid hurt. He is my biggest fan and the biggest believer in me. I am so grateful that he is my Dad! Here we are on my wedding day:
Now I'll talk about my sweet Father in Law, Jim. Jim is a quiet man. He listens more than he speaks. But when he does have something to say it is either filled with wisdom or very witty. He is also a hard worker, like my Dad. His whole life revolves around family and the Gospel. He is an amazing Grandpa. I am so excited to have kids so they can have fun with their Papa Jimmy, just like all of the grand kids do now. He is a true Patriarch. He is very nonjudgmental. He loves people and wants those around him to feel loved. He is a great example of faith to me. He knows what is right and he sticks to his guns no matter what, but at the same time he never makes people feel guilty if they make mistakes. He has made Jesse into the man he is today, and for that I will always be grateful. Here's a picture of Jesse and his Dad on our wedding day (don't they look alike? Like father like son :)
I am so lucky to have these men in my life. They have taught me so much and continue to do so. I love you Dad and Jim!