Friday, July 30, 2010

Grumpy Goose...

I have been in a horrible mood for about a week. Some people might say longer.
I just need to get this all off my chest.

I am a grumpy goose. And I wish I could get over it. But I just can't seem to get out of this funk I am in...stupid me being in a stupid mood...

For historical purposes I would like to state what my last month has been like:

-I had a horrid kidney infection. For 3 days I had a fever of over 100 degrees that wouldn't break. It finally did. And I finally got a CT Scan which revealed a kidney stone in addition to the infection. It's still in my kidney though, so that will be a nice surprise when it decides to make it's presence known...

-I have been sicker than a dog. My Crohn's just thinks it can run my life. And at the moment it is. But I will conquer it again one day...I will, I swear

-It has been hot. I am not a fan of Summer. I can't wait for Fall and the crisp air...and then snow...snow is my favorite thing in the whole makes me feel all peaceful and warm inside. And not warm as in it's 100 degrees outside so you can't sleep at night because you are a sweaty mess...that is not the "warm" I am talking about...

On a different note there have been a couple of good things happening as of late. First of all, we bought a new car. The car shopping experience was not fun...and I am not a fan of car salesman (I know, who is?) but we finally decided on this little beauty:

It is brand-spankin' new and I LOVE it. It's a Scion xD. We personalized the entire car and it only had 25 miles on it when we picked it up...oh, and our actual car has a bigger Spoiler than this picture...I like Spoilers and have never had one on my car, so I splurged :)

Also, Jesse's sister and her family are here from Germany. Her hubby, Lee, is in the Air Force and thus they move from place to place and I never get to see them...neither does anyone else for that matter, but this is my blog, so I shall state that "I" never get to see them. I love my Wilstead's and I wish I could see them more...they are headed to Spain for the next 11 months and then after that who knows...hopefully they will move to the States so we can visit them.

Thanks for listening to me peeps. My next post shall be about one of the greatest nights of my life...the night that Meg and I met the Barenaked was that the next time you hear from me it shall be a positive post with fun pictures, I promise!