I was reminded of how blessed I am in the last place you'd ever expect...the emergency room. Now, this post is not for you to feel sorry for me by any means, at the moment I am getting a lot better. I am still weak and in pain, but I am leaps and bounds better than I was on Saturday.
Let me give you a little background info. 3 weeks ago I had strep throat and so I took A LOT of anti-biotic. They always make me feel a little icky, but they did the trick and I started to get better for a day or two. The next thing you know I have a horrible chest cold and I am coughing up crap right before "American Fork Idol" was supposed to open. Since I was supposed to do Opening Night my doctor put me on Steroids. I HATE Steroids. They always make me feel very unlike myself, but I needed my voice back ASAP so I took them anyway. But the combination of the anti-biotic and the steroids did a number on my belly and so my Crohn's Disease started acting up. For the last 3 weeks it has been one thing after the other (after I had quite a long bout of healthiness, might I add...) and then I went to a new chiropractor last week and he adjusted me too roughly, so I started getting headaches...
So Saturday morning I woke up at 5:00 AM, ran to the bathroom and threw up. My head was pounding out of control. I was in Migraine mode. It was the worst headache I've ever had, so I called for Jesse, told him to grab a bucket, and that we needed to go to the Emergency Room. So we got in the car, called Meg so she could meet us there, and off we went. Luckily I did not need to use the bucket (the thought of puking in a bucket just seems horrible to me, I've never done it before and I hope I never have to). We went to Jordan Valley Hospital and luckily there wasn't anyone else in the waiting room so I was helped fairly quickly. Meg got there and they took me back to my room.
As they were taking me down the hall and I looked into a few of the rooms, I saw many people who were all alone. And at that moment I felt a surge of peace because here I was with the two most important people in my life.
I don't know how people go thru life without a twin and a husband. Why was I so blessed? I have no idea, but I'm glad I did whatever I did to earn this right. Because I wouldn't have it any other way. They took turns answering the doctor's questions and they took turns helping comfort me.
The doctor ordered a head CT just to make sure everything looked normal and it did, so they got me comfortable, gave me some prescriptions and sent me home.
Like I said before, I am feeling so much better now, I just needed to say how grateful I am to have Meg and Jesse. I am so very blessed, and I recognize and appreciate how very blessed I am. And now I am planning on it all being up-hill from here and having a healthy Spring and Summer :)
(This is the only picture I have of the 3 of us on my computer at work, so it will have to do...)