Monday, April 27, 2009

Still Alive...

I'm still alive. I just thought I should post something to let everyone know I'm still here. Here's what I've been up to the last few weeks:
Working, working, working. I love my job but man has it been crazy there lately...
Going to Desert Star Theater to do "American Fork Idol" every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. I am enjoying this show more and more as time goes by. I am not in the picture below, but I thought I'd post a picture of the ad:
Reading. I am re-reading Twilight because I didn't like the 4th book very much and I need to remind myself why I loved it so much the first time...and as I am reading it I am reminded of why I couldn't put it down...
And last but not least I have started watching Gilmore Girls from the very beginning. I love, love, LOVE this show. I have always loved it. It makes me feel like myself when I watch it. I love how random they are and how much fun they have together. The relationship between the Gilmore Girls reminds me of my relationship with Meg (for those of you who don't know, Meg would be the daughter and I would be the mom...I wish it was the other way around but it's not. I try to be laid back but I just can't do it. And Meg does it so well, so that's how it goes...)
I know this post isn't much fun, so I'll try to do something more interesting so I can take some pictures and write about it. I am going to Wicked on Friday night with all of the girls from my family, so that might be what you hear about next. I can't wait!!!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Peach

My niece was born yesterday, April 8, 2009. She is a peach. And thus we will call her Peach. Her given name is Cameron Grace Poole. She is absolutely perfect. Here she is:

Aren't her cheeks so cute and chubby?! I LOVE her!

She is such a laid back baby. She is just happy to be here. My sister Marissa was in labor for 20 hours and then they decided to do a C-Section. She is doing well and I am so excited to see her be a Mom. She's always been very good at taking care of those around her, and she always made Meg and my childhood so much fun. She is so creative. This little Peach is so lucky to have her as her Mom.

Here are more pictures...

(Meg and Jesse with Peach)

(Quenten and Peach...notice her sassy facial expression...she already knows he's trouble :)
(Me, Meg and Peach...isn't she just stunning?!)

As you can tell I am a proud Aunt and I am so excited to watch her grow up!

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Last Place You'd Expect...

I was reminded of how blessed I am in the last place you'd ever expect...the emergency room. Now, this post is not for you to feel sorry for me by any means, at the moment I am getting a lot better. I am still weak and in pain, but I am leaps and bounds better than I was on Saturday.

Let me give you a little background info. 3 weeks ago I had strep throat and so I took A LOT of anti-biotic. They always make me feel a little icky, but they did the trick and I started to get better for a day or two. The next thing you know I have a horrible chest cold and I am coughing up crap right before "American Fork Idol" was supposed to open. Since I was supposed to do Opening Night my doctor put me on Steroids. I HATE Steroids. They always make me feel very unlike myself, but I needed my voice back ASAP so I took them anyway. But the combination of the anti-biotic and the steroids did a number on my belly and so my Crohn's Disease started acting up. For the last 3 weeks it has been one thing after the other (after I had quite a long bout of healthiness, might I add...) and then I went to a new chiropractor last week and he adjusted me too roughly, so I started getting headaches...

So Saturday morning I woke up at 5:00 AM, ran to the bathroom and threw up. My head was pounding out of control. I was in Migraine mode. It was the worst headache I've ever had, so I called for Jesse, told him to grab a bucket, and that we needed to go to the Emergency Room. So we got in the car, called Meg so she could meet us there, and off we went. Luckily I did not need to use the bucket (the thought of puking in a bucket just seems horrible to me, I've never done it before and I hope I never have to). We went to Jordan Valley Hospital and luckily there wasn't anyone else in the waiting room so I was helped fairly quickly. Meg got there and they took me back to my room.

As they were taking me down the hall and I looked into a few of the rooms, I saw many people who were all alone. And at that moment I felt a surge of peace because here I was with the two most important people in my life.

I don't know how people go thru life without a twin and a husband. Why was I so blessed? I have no idea, but I'm glad I did whatever I did to earn this right. Because I wouldn't have it any other way. They took turns answering the doctor's questions and they took turns helping comfort me.

The doctor ordered a head CT just to make sure everything looked normal and it did, so they got me comfortable, gave me some prescriptions and sent me home.

Like I said before, I am feeling so much better now, I just needed to say how grateful I am to have Meg and Jesse. I am so very blessed, and I recognize and appreciate how very blessed I am. And now I am planning on it all being up-hill from here and having a healthy Spring and Summer :)

(This is the only picture I have of the 3 of us on my computer at work, so it will have to do...)