American Fork Idol (the show I am currently in) closes on June 6 and James Blonde opens on June 11. It's going to be a fun Summer!
Good news...I saw a dog today.
Posted by Chels at 9:46 AM 1 comments
These pills are called Sulfasalazine. These are the pills I take for Crohn's Disease. I have a massive bottle of them (it takes up a quarter of my purse). I take 6 pills a day. I sometimes forget how much these pills save me. I take them for granted and the wonderful life they have given me.
Well, on Saturday I asked Jesse to get them refilled for me, as I had 3 doses left. He called me and told me that my prescription had expired. Well, as it was the Holiday weekend, that meant that I couldn't get a new one until Tuesday (today). So I have taken the pills sparingly and tried to make them last for the last 3 days. As of today I am not feeling so hot (but not horrible). I called my doctor and they are going to get them filled for me right now.
Which brings me to another thing I am grateful for...my Doctor. Dr. Nelson has saved my life many a time, and he is a great friend in addition to all of the things he's done for me. I am so grateful that I found him and that he has been there for me thru so many rough times. He is the best.
I am just so glad that I live at a time where solutions are right at our fingertips. Not only do I have this medication, and a doctor who figured out that was the right medication for me, but I have so many people around me who take care of me. So, in conclusion, I am grateful.Posted by Chels at 12:06 PM 2 comments
Posted by Chels at 6:59 AM 3 comments
Posted by Chels at 7:12 AM 3 comments