Meg and her hubby Quenten are in Disneyworld as we speak. They have been married for 5 years on August 25. And Meg & Q being the punks that they are got an amazing trip for practically no $ whatsoever. That's how they live their lives. They are punks. But, the point of this post is not how the Jennings are punks. It is that I miss my Meg. She is the most fun. If she is around you are guaranteed to have a fabulous time and to laugh so hard you almost pee your pants and/or have fluid of some kind shoot out your nostrils. I appreciate this aspect of my twin and best friend Meg.
She gives her whole heart to everyone. She doesn't care who you are, how old you are, what you've been through in your life, she just loves people. And she will do anything for anyone. She's the type of person who jumps out of her car to help a new neighbor move in if she happens to be driving through the neighborhood while moving in.
She will help you tape and paint a wall (I HATE taping!) in your house at any time of day (she painted my guest bathroom at 2:00 AM on a Saturday night because we got a whim to paint it).
She is a great listener. My mom always used to tease that I was the "talker' and Meg was the "listener". Don't get me wrong, Meg can be loud and chatty when she wants to be, but she also knows when to listen. For example, when we took the 4th Grade district tests at school Meg's best score (which she was in the 99 percentile of the nation) was in listening. While my worst score (the only score that was below average for me) was listening. I have tried over the years to be more like Meg in this aspect.
She loves to wear crazy things. If she likes something then she wears it. And she doesn't care what anyone thinks. Here are some examples (and I love ALL of them, might I add):
*This is from our beautiful friend Michelle's 30th Birthday Party. We love Michelle. She is one of the dang coolest people we know. She looks amazing in this picture, as usual. But please note Meg's outfit. Who thinks of putting those colors together? Not me. And the crazy fish-net purple shirt I am wearing is Meg's, of course...*

*The picture below doesn't necessarily show her in a crazy outfit, but I do love her crazy red hair and her crazy personality...this picture is from our Birthday trip to Disneyland...which was the BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!*

*Meg has claimed the shirt below as her own. I am proud to admit that I found this shirt however...and it was only $3! No joke. I did a good job with this one. Last week when I asked Meg if I could have it back for a bit she said, "No Chels. It's my favorite shirt. I'm so glad that I found it and that it was only $3!" She has even convinced herself that this stroke of genius was her very own, but alas it was not. I do love that it is such a "Meg" shirt though.*

*Smiley Meg*

*This is her "I adore animals" facial expression*
*This is her "I am going to sass you whether you like it or not" facial expression*

*This is her "I really don't want to throw your banana peel away Chels, but I will..." expression*

*And finally we have "kissy face" Meg*

That is the kindest thing anyone has ever done for me! I think you made me sound a lot better than I actually am, but I fully appreciate that you said those things about me. Other than the fact that you think the brown hippie dress is yours... :) I also appreciate that the four songs that play on your play list are all mine. Sept I don't appreciate you making me cry my eyes out. You are the very best time ever and I don't know how people live without twins! You are my very best friend in the entire world. I'm definitely missin half of my heart this week. Can't wait to be with my girls! Love you! And thank you thank you again my B! (This is Meg, I just can't sign out of Q's page and sign in as myself without leaving and coming back in, sorry)
You guys are awesome. I don't know what else to say but that. =)
I love the kissy face pic. You guys are the cutest twins I know! And I miss Meg too! When are we all gonna get together and do something? Soon I hope!
you are the cutest twins :) looks like you are doing great and staying busy! little jake and i are coming to ut this week so we will see you for all the festivities!! it will be fun to catch up :)
I agree...you two are pretty dang cool together! And you are both a good time and both stunning!
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