Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My Friend, Facebook...

Dear Facebook,
I know I haven't been a faithful follower lately, but I used to be addicted to you. I decided that I should let you know that I'm still here, but my reasons for logging on have changed.

I am no longer looking to find old friends. I just like to spy on people. That's right, spy. I don't like to look at stranger's profiles or anything, I just like to look at people's pictures that I used to know and who I am not in touch with anymore. Some of them I like, some of them I don't. But I surely appreciate that I can look into these people's lives and decide if getting re-acquainted is a good idea or not. And usually, just looking at their pictures is enough. And I like that.

So thank you, Facebook. For helping me find closure in some cases...and on certain days when I really need it you help me laugh when I find out that I'm not the only one who's gained 20 pounds since high school :) Good work Facebook. Good work.


The Grant Family said...

:) so true :)

Down By the Bey's said...

This post is stellar. I love it.

Britt said...

Haha...if you have gained 20 lbs since high school then you must have needed it. From what pics I've seen of you you look great.
Sometimes I stop myself while looking at pics of people I don't really know that well and ask myself if I would feel comfortable sitting in their living room looking at their old scrapbooks. Then I wonder what the heck I'm doing wasting time going through all the photos. Some of them are really fun to see though. I have a bunch from high school I should post because after all...those were the pre-digital days when we probably didn't see each others photos very often.
Wow...that was long!

Meg said...

Well you are just the dang freakin coolest! I laughed out loud because that was so very true! You are just a hussy! Thanks for being so brilliantly clever and makin me laugh. I needed it! Love you!