Friday, October 22, 2010

I'm Alive...I promise!

I figured I should probably get on this blog and let everyone know I'm alive. A lot of people who read my blog (not that "a lot" of people read my blog...well, who knows really?) also read my Twin Meg's blog. And her last post was about my car accident. I think I will blog about the whole experience in a few days. It's still a little raw for me to talk about, and yes, I am still hurting, but every day it gets a little better and the emotions of it all are finally settling down a bit.

But, I wanted to let anyone who is wondering know that I am certainly alive and I am getting better. Thanks for the thoughts, notes, and prayers. I have felt so much love over the last 10 days and I appreciate it more than anyone can know.

Anyway, I will write more later, and it will be positive. I swear!


Perschon Family said...

oh my gosh chels! i just noticed that you updated and then i went to meg's blog to read about your accident. I am SOSOSO sorry I didn't know about it earlier. i wish i could've done more to help you this past week you've been in pain! i'm SO glad you are going to be ok and that you weren't more seriously injured. this is NOT what you needed right now!! i'm going to text you this week and see how i can help!!! call me if you need ANYTHING! i'm thinking about you and i'll keep you in my prayers!

Britt said...

Get better fast!