I just thought I'd put a few pictures up of my brother-in-law Quenten on his Birthday. I've known Quenten since Junior High, and the majority of our relationship I have given him a hard time because he was always interested in Meg and she only ever liked him, so I was scared that she'd get her heart broken (he was a heart-breaker in Junior High and High School). I didn't really give him a chance until he came home from his mission and I'm so glad that I did. He is definitely my brother now. I love him so much and it's always a good time when he's around.
He is so laid back and easy going. Those are just characteristics I do not have, so I appreciate him for those things. I love the calming effect he has on those around him. Meg and I are obviously dramatic, and often times overly-dramatic, but when Quenten is around I usually hear what I am saying and think, "How crazy do I sound right now?" and I try to calm down. I am glad that he's my brother and that he loves me no matter what I do or say or how crazy I may be. He definitely is a great guy and I appreciate him being so much dang fun and for making Meg's life that way as well. Anyway, here are some random pictures of my brother Quenten:
This is Meg & Q on their 1st Wedding Anniversary

This is a picture of Q trying to shock Jesse (Jesse had the camera out and Q and Jesse are always trying to one-up each other or do something ridiculous to make the other one laugh...they are turning into twins, I'm telling you...)
And this is a picture of Quenten, Meg, Jesse, Me, my Mom, and my step-dad Tim at the Cheesecake Factory in Florida (look at how blond Meg and my hair is...crazy...)

What a nice little tribute! :) Happy Birthday Q! It's hard to think of choir memories from our Jr. year without thinking of Q, Jeff, and Ryan. Those were some fun days! :) Oh - and I love the "Nightmare Before Christmas" song on your blog! What a great movie!
Well that was just the nicest! I will tell him to check your blog, he will be flattered! Thanks Chels Lyn. Love and miss you....
You two are Hot Blondies in that pic! Happy Birthday Quenten! I will never forget Quenten singing "I'll Make Love to You" (by Boys 2 Men) to Mr. Bently on choir tour! Good times!
Thanks Chels!! Sorry it took me so long to look at your blog I really have no idea how the whole blog world works but once again thank you!!!!
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