I am so ready for this Holiday Season! These are some of my favorite things about Christmas time:
1. Snow. Obviously. If you know me at all then you know I am addicted to the beauty, the smell, and the feeling that snow brings!

3. Presents. I love getting presents, but I mean it when I say that I would much rather GIVE them. I love getting meaningful gifts and then watching someones face as they open it!

4. Lights. I love the twinkle of Christmas lights. Perfect, sparkly little Christmas lights. On trees, on houses, wherever. I love them!

5. Singing. I love singing with my sisters this time of year. I always love singing with them, but it's different when you get to sing about the Savior's birth and sing carols that everyone waits to hear. Man I love singing!

6. Parties. I love the amount of parties that I get to go to in such a small amount of time. It all starts this Wednesday with the annual Bean Family Roof & Carriage Ride Night! This tradition started the year my Mom & Tim got married and now, 5 years later, it is my 3rd favorite night of the year (if you were wondering my 1st favorite night of the year is my Birthday celebration with Meg on Valentine's Day, and the 2nd is Christmas Eve, but the Bean Party is my 3rd favorite).

I am one lucky duck to have so many wonderful things to look forward to over the next few weeks. I just have two things to say: "Let it Snow!" and "Merry Christmas!"
I sure hope JJ and I are included in the "those you love" list. Because we also enjoy good food. :) I love the holiday post.
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