Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Goodbye 2009

I saw this little quiz on one of my friend's blogs and decided it would be fun to give it a try...feel free to do this on your own blog if anyone reads this because I would love to see what your answers are.

1. What did you do in 2009 that you had never done before? Went to Hawaii! Man was it fun, I can't believe I waited so long to go there. Hopefully we will be going again soon!

2. What would you like in 2010 that you lacked in 2009? Thicker skin...

3. My best memory of 2009? My niece Cameron being born. That chick is hilarious and I am so grateful that she is part of our family!

4. What was your biggest achievement? Hmmm...good question...I guess I'd say getting straight A's in my first semester back at school.

5. What was your biggest failure? We don't need to talk about it ;)

6. Did you or someone you know suffer an illness? Oddly enough this was the healthiest year I've had in a long time. That was one of the best parts of 2009 in my opinion. But the biggest illness my family experienced this year was the recovery of my brother-in-law Ryan when he gave his kidney to a friend. But he's the one who sacrificed the most (and my sister Marissa sacrificed a lot to do that to). Good work Ryan, you are truly amazing!

7. What was your best purchase? Tickets to Disneyland :)

8. What behavior merited celebration this year? Being less of a procrastinator then I used to be. I still procrastinate, but it's gotten SO much better.

9. What behavior appalled or depressed you? Anxiety

10. Where did all your money go? Our house. I don't spend money very much, so the house payment is the biggest bill we have in our life and I'm grateful for that!

11. What was your favorite song for 2009? Paramore's "the only exception"

12. Who was your biggest influence of 2009? My sister Marissa. She had a baby and took care of a husband recovering from major surgery while still managing to be her charming self. She's always so good to me and I'm just so grateful to have her as my big sister. I love you Marisk!

13. What was your favorite new TV show? Modern Family

14. What was your favorite new book? "Rude Awakenings of a Jane Austen Addict" by Laurie Viera Rigler. I randomly purchased this book while I was in San Francisco on a lovely weekend get-away with my Mom, step-dad Tim, and Jesse. They were sweet enough to treat us to this trip just for the heck of it and it was one of the greatest trips of my life. Thanks Mom and McTimmy!

15. What was your favorite new movie? I can't decide between "Up" by Disney/Pixar, "The Blind Side" with Sandra Bullock, who I LOVE, and "Sherlock Holmes" with Robert Downey Jr., who I also LOVE. They were all fabulous for different reasons :)

16. What is your favorite new fashion? Cardigans are a pretty big fashion currently, and since I LOVE cardigans I am very happy that I can find them pretty much anywhere and they are in fun colors and prints.

17. What has kept you sane? Meg, of course. Though sometimes she is the reason why I'm crazy, she is also my sanity. LOVE YOU MEG!


Meg said...

Dang straight! I love that I am the one that makes you sane AND crazy. Though you do a dang good job of crazy all by your lonesome... :) You are my only exception! Love you!

Angela said...

I thought your best memory would be the freezing night we spent camping at girls camp (:. I loved your list that is a lot of awesome memories.