1st job: I was a babysitter...remember these books?! I loved them! Good times.

Good news...I saw a dog today.
Posted by Chels at 9:31 AM 6 comments
MyHeritage: Celebrity Morph - Free family history - Free family tree maker
Posted by Chels at 8:32 AM 1 comments
Others see you as an exciting, highly volatile, rather impulsive personality; a natural lead, who's quick to make decisions, though not always the right ones. They see you as bold and adventuresome, someone who will try anything once; someone who takes chances and enjoys an adventure. They enjoy being in your company because of the excitement you radiate.
Personality Quiz
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I don't really think I'm a "try anything once" kind of person. Well, not when it comes to sky-diving or scary roller coasters or anything of that nature...but I do think in other non-risky sorts of ways I will try anything once...or at least I try to...and if Jesse, my husband, is reading this and thinking, "No way, Chels is not that daring" just remember our 5 year anniversary in Disneyland. I definitely shocked you by going on Tower of Terror. Most people reading this probably don't think that Tower of Terror is really a scary ride, but listen people, I DO NOT enjoy the feeling of falling. It makes my stomach hurt. It's just not my thing. I screamed a lot, and I actually have a good picture of us on the Tower of Terror that I'll have to post at a later date...anyway, I had to show Jesse that even after 5 years of marriage I can surprise him...and I did it, didn't I? He never thought I'd go on that darn ride...which I didn't enjoy but went on 2 more times, just for him.
Anyway, I thought this quiz was interesting so I took it, and so should you, so I can read it on your blog... :)
Oh, can I also add that I don't understand that "78%" up at the top? What does 78% mean? I only have 78% of a personality? Who gets 100% then? Who? I think I've got quite a bit of personality so I'd really like to know what this whole "78%" is all about...crazy quiz making people...78%...
Posted by Chels at 9:41 AM 5 comments
I've been tagged by Amy so here I go...
3 Joys
1. My greatest joy in life is my family. I love my Mom, Dad and siblings, but more specifically my little family that consists of Jesse, Meg & Quenten. I love that we can be ourselves around each other. It brings me joy when they are happy and when they call me, write me an email, or when we are driving in the car together chatting. I just love being with them.
2. The Gospel. I know Amy said this in her answers, but I have to agree. Where in the world would I be without the Gospel? It brings me such joy to know that our Savior lives and loves us. That we can be together forever with our families because of his Atonement. And that we can be forgiven of our sins and have the opportunity to return to Him if we repent and try to do what's right.
3. Weather. I love the inconsistency of weather. I love waking up to the sound of a snow blower, or to the sound of rain hitting the window, or to peaceful summer sunrises. I just love the weather!!!! We are so blessed to live on this beautiful earth, and to live in Utah where we can have all 4 Seasons!
3 Fears
1. I am an anxious person. I wish I wasn't, but I am. So many things scare me. First of all I am scared of losing my loved ones. I know it's a fact of life and that people pass away and that's part of the reason why we need the Gospel in this life, so we can feel peace and know that we will be together again someday, but I am really hoping that all of my family just lives until the Savior comes again so I don't have to go thru that. Ever.
2. Gaining weight. I think about this 24/7. I rarely enjoy eating (though you wouldn't know it if you watched me eat ice cream...or brownies...or anything with sugar in it really). I know I need to get over it. I need to eat healthy, have treats in moderation, and work out regularly. And that's what I'm going to do...so hopefully that won't be a ridiculous fear of mine for much longer :)
3. Having sick children. I don't have kids yet, but I just hope I have healthy happy children. I have been sick for the last 5 years as most of you know. I am doing very well now, but I wasn't doing well for a long time there. I would MUCH rather be the sick one than be the one standing around helplessly. So I just hope I have healthy kids!
3 Goals
1. To continually be financially stable. I love stability. I know most people do. I just want to live a comfortable life. Nothing extravagant. I want to have a safe comfortable home, eat out at least once a week, go to Disneyland once a year, and that's it. I don't think that's too much to ask. Other than that I am content.
2. Get my Associates Degree, and then my Bachelors Degree. I need to get an Associates first, obviously, but I just would really like to have that proof that I am knowledgeable and that I can accomplish things. I have worked hard to obtain the degree of knowledge I have right now in the work force area, but I would really like to be book smart as well :)
3. Have children. I want to be a Mom. As scary as that is it is what I want and I am excited for that next phase of my life.
3 Current Obsessions/Collections
1. I love to watch TV. Too much. I really try to limit myself, but I love really entertaining shows. Anything will do. Gilmore Girls, Judge Judy, Army Wives, American Idol (sort of, I really like watching it so I can spend time with Jesse, he LOVES American Idol), Jon & Kate Plus 8, and so on. It is too much of an obsession currently.
2. Nonfat Frozen Yogurt. From anywhere. Maverick's, Sconecutter, Red Mango, it doesn't matter. As long as it's Nonfat (to make my head feel better about eating junk food) and vanilla I am a happy camper!
3. Eating out. I just love to eat out. I can cook. I love to cook if it is for more than just me and Jesse. But when it's just us I love to go somewhere (it doesn't have to be fancy) and get a really good salad. Salads that I make at home are never as good. Mmmm...eating out...
3 Random Surprising Facts about me
1. I have always dreamt about being a dancer. Specifically a ballerina. It has always been something I've wished I was better and that I wish I would have taken classes for as a child so I could be a more graceful person in general and so I could just dance around and look beautiful anytime I wanted to.
2. I get physically ill if someone pukes around me. I don't care who it is or where we are, if I see, smell, or hear someone throw up then I am going to be throwing up very soon afterward. So if you ever see me with my eyes closed and ears plugged while humming a song I am probably trying my hardest not to puke.
3. I HATE scary movies. I can't even handle scary movie commercials. I follow the same process as above if a scary commercial comes on the TV...I close my eyes, plug my ears, and hum a primary song...preferably "A Child's Prayer". I know I'm a dork. I know.
I tag: Meg, Andee, Karen, Laura, Becky, and anyone else who wants to be tagged!
Posted by Chels at 12:06 PM 7 comments
Which Disney Princess Are You?
Posted by Chels at 3:14 PM 3 comments
Posted by Chels at 12:11 PM 6 comments