I saw this on my friend's blog and she tagged everyone that read it, which I don't always respond to, but this looked quite fun, so why not? Here we go...
Month my Birthday is in:
A place I'd like to visit: This is where my cute husband went on his mission...
A favorite place: Of course...if you know me at all this will be no surprise. There is a reason why they call it the "Happiest Place on Earth"
One of my favorite things: Mmm...napping...
My favorite color: It's orange people...the sky might make it a little confusing
My favorite food: A good ol' salad with tons of stuff in it...Like the Mesquite Chicken Salad from Chili's...mmm...
Least Favorite Food: Anything with ginger in it...ick...it tastes like Irish Springs Soap to me if it's too strong...and look at how ugly it is people! Do you really want to eat that?!
I really need to devote a post to Mark Eubank and some of my memories of him...that will come at a later date...can you wait? I highly doubt it. But you will have to...
1st job: I was a babysitter...remember these books?! I loved them! Good times.
A hope for 2008: To go to Disneyland with my best friend!
Now I tag: Meg, Kendra, Amy, Star, and anyone else who wants to do it! It is so very much fun!
Age on my next birthday: twenty-six...don't talk to me about it people...that's sick...

(I also need to add this little comment, not for a pity party for myself, but because I am so disgusted...I had a colonoscopy yesterday (Monday, June 30). Ugh. I know that's what you do when you are 50 but I have had 4 of them in the last 5 years. I have to get them every 3 years for the rest of my life since I have Crohn's Disease and I have also had polyps (that's why you generally have colonoscopies, so they can remove polyps since they can cause cancer), anyway, I had it done yesterday. The procedure itself is not all that horrible, but the 24 hours before are probably some of the worst hours you can experience. You have to drink this HORRIBLE laxative stuff and guess what flavor it is? GINGER lemon. Who came up with that?! And why?! They have a seriously twisted mind. Anyway, 24 hours of drinking nothing but clear liquid, eating jell-o with no red dye (which gives you very few options of jell-o) and drinking that horrible ginger lemon laxative crap. The wonderful news is I don't have to get another one done for 3 more years!!!! WOOHOO!!!!)
My favorite flower: Currently tulips
The city in which I live:
Name of past pet: Cute little Valentine...she was the prettiest cat ever!
Nickname I have: This is what Meg's called me our whole lives...no one knows why...but I like it. It's not the insect "Bee" it's just the letter..."B"
College major: Of my dreams...I ain't got me a college education...heheheh...Here is the greatest Meteorologist of all time: Mark Eubank. I HAD to get a picture of him with the white coat on. Oh how I miss his forecasts...he would dance around and get so excited. He is the greatest!
Here's another good picture of him, just for good measure:

1st job: I was a babysitter...remember these books?! I loved them! Good times.

Here's what you do, do a Google image search and choose an image from the first page when you answer all of these questions (that picture of me and Meg wasn't on the internet...just in case you were worried about us...but I guess it's out there now, isn't it? Hmmm...well, whatever). Have fun!
I laughed and laughed through the entire thing! You are so dang funny! I am so glad you are such a good time... life has been so much fun because of you!
This is a fun tag! You and megan are so cute! I always wished I had a twin cause of you two. I love how close you are!
I actually DO want to read a post about your Mark Eubank obsession. I've always been fascinated. I have to say, I like him too. He's very animated and entertaining.
I remember your fondness of Mark Eubank! I'm glad you did the tag--it is fun huh! You look gorgeous by the way.
I loved your ginger part...hence my teasing you about it at church. I will have to do this...it looks fun. My sister totally had the Babysitters Club collection! She even started her own Babysitters Club with her friends! That was funny to see that book!
Listen you hussy, you make me laugh so hard! You leave me the best comments! And NO, I am not British and have not been partaking in Masterpiece theater without you. The problem is that two little girls I know have started me on a swearing kick (wonder who that could be... dirty hussies) so I'm trying to get out of the habit. And back into the habit of new words/phrases like: "Oh my poopin cow" and "Holy Trash!" and other things we used to say. If you remember any of those fabulous lines you let me know. Love you.
Your Berry Best,
Maybe (I had to do it cuz you left me that trash on my blog. Sickees!)
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