So for journal purposes (since this really is my journal...I know I should keep a more personal handwritten one, but that's just not happening so this will have to do) I just need to say that I am FULLY RECOVERED! I had surgery on January 22, 2008 at St. Mark's Hospital. Dr. Wilde is my doctor/best friend/surgeon and he did a fabulous job. I won't go into details about the surgery. It's not a common surgery. It wasn't life threatening. And it wasn't easy to go thru either. I'm usually not one to shout about how tuff I am (I can be at others not so much...but I think I'm pretty tuff in general) but man did I go thru a lot. And here I am on the other side of this horrid horrid pain and I am happy because I know I will NEVER feel pain like that again :) So hooray for me!
The main point of this is that I had 16 weeks of a very strict recovery process with many restrictions and they have all been lifted now. So I can start working out!!! Woohoo!!! And I can ride a bike, which I always talk about doing but never actually go out and do, so I think I'll give that a shot as well (Jesse got me a bike for Christmas 2006. He is so sweet. He really makes all of my dreams come true. The problem is it is such a dang nice bike I have no idea how to change gears and do other such things with it, so I need some lessons on that. I sound pretty stupid right about now...).
Anyway, back to the point. I LOVE DR. WILDE! It's ok, Jesse knows how much I love him and he is ok with it...If any of you need an amazing OBGYN then go to him. Let me tell a few Dr. Wilde moments that I appreciated and you can get a feel for him (he is insane just so you are aware...but I mean that in the warmest and best way possible):
1. I am in his office. Just me and him. Having a very in depth and personal conversation. He has music playing in the background and all of the sudden he says, "Hold that thought," turns up the music, and says, "This is my favorite song. Tell me what's eccentric about this song..." and so we listen. The "eccentric" thing he wanted me to figure out is how often the timing changes in the song. It is a wonderful song. It's a song from his favorite group...Led joke. Me and my "OB" listening to Led Zeppelin together as he drums on his desk...good times...
2. I am waking up from surgery. Dr. Wilde is standing a few feet away from me and he has this really nice sweater on over his scrubs. I mention something in my druggie state about really liking his sweater and he proceeds to take it off and lay it over me. It smelled of Aquadezio (I have no idea how to spell it people). He is just such a father figure. He is so sweet and caring...which is especially important to people in druggie states because I am very emotional when I am all drugged up...I think most people are...
3. He and I are chatting in his office during a post-op appointment and I am talking about how lucky I am to have Jesse. He is such a good husband. He has gone thru so much with me and continues to love me unconditionally. And Dr. Wilde says, "He is a lucky man too. This isn't one sided. You are a good horse." A good horse?! What in the crap? He is crazy cool. For reals. I really appreciated being called a good horse...strangely it didn't offend me...I mean I hope I'm not as big as a horse...
4. It's a few days after my surgery and Jesse and I are worried that I have an infection. It's Saturday night at 9:00 PM. He gave us his cell phone number (not the emergency contact number for whoever is on call, his actual cell phone number) so Jesse called him and told him the symptoms I was having. He said, "How long will it take you to get to St. Mark's?" And he met us there. At 9:00 PM on a Saturday night. We went to his personal office for him to give me the exam so we wouldn't have to pay the Emergency Room fee (he is so sweet to think of things like that). What kind of a doctor drops whatever he is doing on a Saturday night to meet a patient for free? That's what I'm talking about people. He is the best.
I am so grateful that the Lord has put so many wonderful people in my life. It's amazing the way he leads us to the people we need and who will make our lives better. I know Dr. Wilde will never read this but I just want him to know how much I love and appreciate him!!!!
Thanks for indulging me and my thoughts on random things :)
And no, I do not have any pictures of him. Wouldn't it be kind of weird if I did?
So here's a picture of me and Jesse instead...this is from Christmas morning 2007 (we both got new hoodies for Christmas! I LOVE HOODIES! Especially this furry one that Cambria gave me!):

You are amazing!! I am so HAPPY for you to be done with that experience and I really have a lot to learn from you and your great outlook!!! I love how you could write about so many positive experiences that came out of all of the pain and everything you had to go through! I will see you later this week!
You are a good horse, and so much more! I'm so glad that you are FINALLY done with all that junk. You and Jesse have been through a lot and I'm so glad you guys are both so tough! I'm so glad you are feeling better and pretty soon I'll join in on the fun with you and work out!
I'm glad that you're feeling completely whole again! :) Surgery sucks - no matter now "serious" or "life-threatening" it is. He sounds like an amazing doctor - full of qualities not typical of others in that field. I'm glad all is well!! Love and miss you!
CHELSEA! I can not believe you and meg have not commented on my blog! I have missed your girls so much, I just found you! WHy are you two having surgeries? I hope you two are ok! Your both beautiful as always! I love you lots and we will stay in touch this way!
Hey Chelsea, I found your cute blog through Amy...hope you get this comment since this post was from a while back. First, I'm glad that you are feeling better and have recovered. Second, I have to ask if your Dr.'s first name is Clayton? If so, this is the same man that delivered my first son! He is a total character and I could tell you some funny stories... BTW, I was sorry to miss your lesson last week--sick kids. Talk to you soon, Tamsen
I am the biggest jerk EVER. I had no idea you had a blog all this time! You kinda never told me...
But still I could have checked. Jerky me. I'll be here all the time now!!
I think your Dr. sounds frickin' awesome. I've NEVER had an OBGYN I liked...and I've had a lot of them. Maybe next time I need one I'll call you for his number.
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