So, Meg, my best friend and twin, had a surgery scheduled for Wednesday, May 21, 2008 to remove scar tissue from Endometriosis (and possibly to remove her right ovary, since she has had so many rupturing cysts). My Mom, Quenten and I went with her to the hospital (I know that's a lot of people but we are her Mom, her husband, and her twin, and none of us would miss out on being there for her). We knew it would be at least an hour long surgery, and possibly longer if they had to remove her right ovary. After an hour or so we got a call from Bishop Labrum (Dr. Labrum as I guess we would call him in the hospital...he was the Bishop of our AMAZING Murray Ward that Jesse and I lived in for the first 4 years of our marriage) and he said that she was going to need her appendix out. I thought it was a joke at first. Her appendix? We didn't even come in for that. But they did NOT need to remove her right ovary (thank heavens). So another 2 hours of surgery for Meg. If she hadn't had it removed that day she would have been in the E.R. in the next 3-6 months with a rupturing appendix, so it's such a blessing that Bishop Labrum caught it that day. Meg had a blessing the night before that said he would be inspired to know how to solve her abdominal pain, and he definitely was.
So, it's a wonderful thing that she got the endometriosis surgery because she had TONS of gross scar tissue build up (I'm sure she'll post the pictures on her blog eventually, but I'm not putting it on mine, it's too much...) AND she needed her appendix out.
She is such a trooper. This is a picture of her right before they took her down the hall to surgery. It was SO hard to leave her...she is smiling, but she was holding back tears...she was pretty scared. This was her first surgery in a hospital (she had her wisdom teeth out when we were 18 and her tonsils out when we were 3, so we don't remember that).

I know she's going to hate that picture, but since she hates ALL pictures of herself she doesn't have a choice. I'm posting it. I think it's dang cool that she had this crazy day of surgery and that she is recovering so quickly. She really is the tuff one in this relationship.
Oh my gosh, I hope Meg recovers ok! It's good to hear her surgery went well. And Meg, you look AMAZING in that picture!
I hope she's feeling better soon!! Poor Meg!! I'm glad they caught the problem with her appendix. My brothers Bret and Scott both had theirs rupture on them. Bret had started to go septic!! Send her my love and best wishes!! Love you both!
I need to go read Meg's blog apparently! Surgery surgery everywhere.
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