I have started reading "The Host" by Stephenie Meyer. She is the author of the Twilight Saga. I read "Twilight," the first book in the Twilight Saga, last Summer when one of my cute neighbors knocked on my door and asked if I had read it. I said "No," and she said, "Will you read it? I need someone to talk to about it." And I gladly accepted. Little did I know that for the next month or so I would read all three books in the saga consecutively and would live in my own little Twilight world for a while...I loved it, but I was not a social person for that month or so, which is unusual for me. All I wanted to do was go home and read until I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. Then I would wake up, go to work, drive home, and read until I couldn't keep my eyes open again, and repeat the cycle daily. Anyway, the fourth and final book of the Twilight Saga comes out this Fall and I can't wait! Though I don't want it to be over.
Book 1 of the Twilight Saga: "Twilight"

Book 2 of the Twilight Saga: "New Moon"

Book 3 of the Twilight Saga: "Eclipse"

Book 4 of the Twilight Saga: "Breaking Dawn" (Coming this Fall!!!)

Anyway, I was talking about the fact that I am reading "The Host" right now...I get so distracted and off track sometimes...anyway, I am about 10 chapters in and I am loving it! I am not letting myself get anti-social and obsessed with this book, I am just taking my time and limiting the amount that I can read everyday. Supposedly this is going to be an individual novel and will not continue on into a trilogy or a saga, so I need to take my time and enjoy it.
If you have not read "Twilight" yet, read it. And when you are done tell me what you think (but be aware that the 2nd book is not necessarily a happy one).
I really need to start a book club...I love to read.
This was kind of a boring blog, but I felt like chatting about the wonderful Stephenie Meyer and the fun stories she's brought into my life. Oh, and I love EDWARD CULLEN!
I love Edward too! And I can't wait to start our book club. We are soooo lame that we didn't talk to Tanya about it. I'm going to call her this week and let you know what I find out....deal, deal! So You guys are so awesome for babysitting our little monster last night! I'm so glad that we have finally decided to be friends....we were made for it! Loved the post....It so was not boring and anytime you want to bond about anything edward or stephenie meyer.....let me know!
Yay, another friend who is in love with Edward! I am so glad you found our blog! I am adding your link to ours, let me know if that is okay. I love keeping in touch with people and blogging just makes it so easy!
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