So this Christmas was a wonderful one. I got everything I could ever ask for and more. I am so blessed to have so many thoughtful people around me. My sweet husband bought me an hour massage at Sanctuary Day Spa (my FAVORITE place in the whole to Disneyland that is) and he gave me a 40 inch art piece that he had made from the following picture (I had mentioned on our Anniversary in passing that this was my favorite picture from our wedding and one day I wanted to blow it up and hang it on a wall in our room. Well, he paid attention and that's exactly what I got):
My Mom gave me an ottoman (which I picked out from the Seethaler's furniture store, Envy) and some awesome clothes that I can't wait to wear!
My Dad gave me cash. He's given me cash since I was 9 and I always look forward to spending that money. I always make sure that I buy myself something I really want instead of just letting the money go into household expenses.
Meg gave me 2 pairs of jeans (which I needed SO badly!!!!) and some dang awesome tops (which I didn't necessarily NEED but I definitely WANTED them).
My in-laws gave me clothes and other things as well. I needed work clothes so badly and haven't had a moment to shop, so I appreciated all of the clothes I got!
And finally we get to the present I gave Meg. It was actually a present I gave myself as well, but this has been a tuff one to keep quiet. I have had this present for 2 months and there have been so many times when I just wanted to tell Meg what the big surprise was, but I kept it a secret and it paid off! On Christmas Eve Meg and I sat by her Christmas tree and she read this poem (WARNING: This poem is cheesy! I've never been much of a poet but I can definitely be cheesy when needed, so that's the direction I took this do not have to read this obviously, but I wanted to post it for historical purposes :)
Your 2008 Christmas Present
At this time I wish to be
Your very best friend on Christmas Eve
I want to make your every wish come true
So I wrote a little poem for you
This present isn’t something you can hold in your hand
Though once you find out what it is you’ll think it’s grand
You are the best twin I could ever have
So to give you such a gift makes me glad
The tickets are bought, we’ll fly away
As twins and best friends we’ll play
On February Fourteenth you will leave your house
And spend your Birthday with Mickey Mouse!!!!
So there you have it. A Cheesy poem. But it sure did make Meg cry! And I cried too of course. It has been our dream since we were little to spend our Birthday at Disneyland. Just the two of us. And now that will happen. So if you didn't get the gist of it from the poem, I gave her a plane ticket. And Jesse and Quenten got us a hotel room. And since this year is the Birthday Celebration at Disneyland we will get in FREE on our Birthday! I can't wait! It will definitely be the greatest day ever (next to my wedding day of course) and many pictures will be taken and posted here...and I look forward to that post!
And now I will end this LONG post. I hope all of you had a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!