Monday, December 1, 2008

Boy am I glad it's over...

Last Tuesday morning I woke up and didn't feel right. I figured it would go away so I got up and tried to get ready for work. Well, that didn't last long. It hit me pretty quickly that I had the flu. Little did I know that it would be the worst flu I've ever had. I proceeded to puke my guts up for the next 5 hours. Seriously people, I puked 15 times in 5 hours. Sorry if that's a little too detailed for you, but it's the truth. And Jesse ended up coming home early because he threw up and had a fever as well. We were both so sick and couldn't drive anywhere because we were afraid we'd throw up in the car and/or spread our germs and get other people sick.

So I called my friend Amy Perschon and asked her to bring me a Gatorade. I knew she'd come to my rescue, she always does. She was so sweet as I was ridiculously emotional and crying on the phone and she brought me two gigantic Fruit Punch Gatorade's. That's all I could think of drinking. And so for the next 36 hours all I had were those life-saving Gatorade's. Thanks Am! You are the best, seriously!!!!

Later that night our friends Jake Seethaler and Ryan Galbraith came and gave Jesse and me blessings. The puking stopped after the blessing I received and it was such a relief. I am so grateful for being surrounded by such wonderful men who worthily hold the Priesthood and make time in their busy schedules to serve us. Thanks Jake and Ryan!

The next 3 days (which included Thanksgiving) I had a horrible fever and was nauseous beyond all belief. But as I was sitting there alone on Thanksgiving, watching Gilmore Girls, I was overwhelmed with how blessed I am. I know that sounds crazy, but it's true. I was so grateful for the timing of this flu bug. If I had gotten it this week my life would've been too busy to stop and really rest and get better. And it helped that I only had to use 2 of my sick days for work as we had Thursday and Friday off with pay. So really, I was so very lucky to have gotten the flu when I did.

I am also grateful for my sweet husband. He has taken such good care of me for the last week. He is so good to me and I am so blessed to have him.

I am also grateful for my sweet twin. She stayed away from me for the first 2 days so she wouldn't get sick (she would've come over sooner but I wouldn't let her, I did NOT want her to feel the way I did) but she did come over on Thanksgiving night and stayed with me. I just needed company and I needed my twin, and so she dropped everything and sat with me. Oh, and we watched the second Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants movie and it was very good.

Anyway, I guess what I'm saying is I am so grateful for my health and I am so grateful for the timing of things. The Lord really does bless us in obscure ways, we just have to step back and recognize His hand in our lives.


Tamsen said...

It was so good to see you yesterday! I'm sorry you were so sick last week...vomiting is the absolute worst. Glad you are feeling better.

Meg said...

Sorry you got so sick Chels Lyn! Love you with all of my heart! I'm glad you are feeling better for our Christmas tradition on Wednesday. I certainly glad we have had such a tradition for 5 years now. Also, thanks to Amy for taking care of you when I couldn't. She really is one of the greatest friends we've ever been blessed with. Love you!

Perschon Family said...

i'm so glad you were able to drink the gatorade! and you've come to my rescue so many times that it was the least i could do! i'm glad you're feeling better!!!!!!

Jokilyn said...

Glad you're feeling better! Sickness sucks! I can relate to the Priesthood blessing thing - after Avery was born I got an infection in my Uterus and ended up with a fever of 107!!! I NEARLY went to the ER, but our bishop came over and he and Neil gave me a blessing...fever was back to 98.7 within an hour and a half! (This was after 6 days of the fever...most the time it was around 102) The Priesthood is amazing!