Ever since my Mom and Tim started dating we have had a tradition where we go to the Roof the first week of December for dinner and then we go on carriage rides. I look forward to this every year and last night was the best year so far.
My brother-in-law Ryan took these pictures. He was kind enough to share them with me and let me post them on my blog. I took pictures as well, but they are not professional like his and they are at home on the camera that I forgot when I ran out the door this morning, so I will post those later. Anyway, here we go:
The founders of this wonderful tradition: The Beans :)
Eating the wonderful food at the most beautiful restaurant in Utah, The Roof:
Quenten and my step-brother Colby eating and having a good time:
My step-brother Jake humoring us and smiling for the picture (aren't my step-brothers so dang cute?! I love them!)
Meg eating the famous "chocolate pots". She and my Mom call them that...I know they are chocolate and they are in little "pots" but really, couldn't we call them something else? They truly are my favorite dessert in the whole world though. It's a good thing we only go there once a year or I would be a few pounds heavier if you know what I mean...

My only brother Jeff and his cute wife Amy (she has the greatest hair in the entire world. No matter what length it is she just does it perfectly, and it's very thick so I am jealous)
And finally, Jesse and me having a great time and happy to be celebrating a Bean Christmas Tradition :)
I will post pictures of the carriage ride later. Merry Christmas everyone! BRING ON THE SNOW!
those are great pictures! fun to see all your family! your mom is just beautiful...her hair is perfectly in place! love it! that is a great tradition and i'm glad you had so much fun! you and jesse look so cute by the way!!!
I love that you have this blog. It is awesome. I feel like I get to get updated on your life vicariously. I miss you guys! You are such a good person Chelsea, seriously. Off topic- it snowed! -yeah for you! =) I didn't have to drive in it too much, so it wasn't bad at all.
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