Sunday, January 11, 2009

Just Kidding...

I just found out I was wrong and I will actually be on Channel 2 in the morning, not on Channel 13 like I said before...I just thought I'd let you all know (if anyone reads this) in case you were going to watch me in my beautiful Annie wig :)


Perschon Family said...

OK that is SO cool you will be on TV in the morning! I was up all night last night with Luke cause he has an awful cough but I put him to bed early tonight so if he's up by then then I'll be up and I'll for sure watch! I wish I had DVR...if I miss it and you record it can I come watch it with you?

btw that is so sweet that Jesse got you that CD! I'll have to listen to it cause it sounds fun! Yeah for another opening night...glad you are more relaxed with it now! Good luck with this show and then we need to play!

Down By the Bey's said...

That's awesome Chelsea, I read this after 6 am, so I guess I missed you, but that is so cool. I bet you did great. You always do. =)