Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Pippi Longstocking

I have been looking at YouTube videos intermittently throughout the day of Pippi Longstocking. I was always a fan of hers as a kid. I mean, the movie was weird, the film was originally recorded in Swedish and then it has English dubbed over the voices, and I found it odd that Pippi lived alone and could be happy about that. But I did love the song, I LOVED it when she'd lift the horse above her head (she had super-human strength people, if you don't remember), and I loved the fact that she had so much gold that she didn't know what to do with it (that good ol' candy shop scene was my favorite, except for when she walks outside and starts handing out her candy like it's nobodies business...hold on to some of that candy for yourself, Pippi, that's what I would do). I just thought I'd put a few Pippi pictures here and maybe a clip or two...I do love her so...and I LOVE the Gilmore Girls Episode where they sing the intro song...I'll put a link to that as well...I hope you have fun reminiscing...and I guess I hope that you actually got to see this as a kid so you CAN reminisce with me :)

1. A link to watch the Gilmore Girls Clip...

2. A picture of Pippi and her monkey (I don't remember his name)

3. The cover of the TV Series on DVD (who knew it was on DVD now?! I'll have to get it...)

And on a final note, does anyone else think this little girl looks like her name should be "Astrid Lindgren"?! It fits her perfectly! Astrid, Pippi, whatever, she just has that look...who ever was in charge of casting was brilliant...and if they are still alive they should definitely get some bonus cash...

(**Correction to this post after I actually posted it...this little girl's name, as you probably thought after you read this paragraph and looked at the DVD cover above is "Inger Nilsson" not "Astrid Lindgren". Astrid is the name of the writer and Inger is the name of the little girl. I must say I'm upset that her name isn't Astrid. It's much better than Inger...especially for the wild child she is...don't get me wrong, Inger is an out-there name but it's relatively normal compared to Astrid. Why am I even having this conversation? I guess I'm a little sleep deprived, what with the waking up for work at 6:00 AM, working until 4:30 PM, going to rehearsals for Scary Poppins at 6:00 PM, rehearsing until 11:00 PM, and going to bed around 12:00 AM and then starting that same pattern over the next day...maybe that's why I even did a "Pippi Post" in the first place...oh how I wish I could take a nap...)

This is probably the most random blog I will ever write. Let's hope so. How can you get more random than Pippi?!


Meg said...

Holy trash that's awesome! I haven't watched any of the links yet, but I wanted to give you props for this beautiful post. I honestly think you are the coolest person I know ever. Just so you know. You are a dang good time....

Babe in Boysland said...

Truly a very random post, and that's why I love it. I was never into Pippi, and I never saw any of these clips, but I will now!!! She could lift a horse and had endless gold???? I seriously missed out.

Meg said...

Chels Lyn, I really don't know why they had to cancel Gilmore. That is the greatest clip ever!Remember how we watched that part over and over? Those Gilmore's seem to love everything that we do. Except for coffee... why would anyone want to drink burnt bean juice?! Sick!