Last night was the Preview Night for Scary Poppins. That pretty much means it's the dress rehearsal that family and friends can come to for free to let us see how an audience reacts and to see what we need to change before paying customers come to see us on Opening Night (which is tonight). Since my family came last night and they are not coming tonight they treated yesterday as my Opening Night. They all made sure to make it a big deal for me since this is the first show I've done where I've gotten a paycheck and they all know how much I've always wanted to be in a show at Desert Star.
1st off Meg brought me flowers yesterday afternoon at work. They are so pretty and fun! (This picture does not do them justice because I took it with my work lighting in the background (florescent) and because I used the camera on my phone, but you get the point):2nd my cute Mom brought me a cookie with writing on it right before I went on stage that said "Break a Leg". It was very sweet of her to think of me and to bring it to me RIGHT before I went on since that's when I have the most butterflies. I was so happy to get it. Then I looked at the cookie inside the box and this is what it looked like:
You can kind of read "break" but not so much "a leg". I just laughed because it was a cute thought and I knew the cookie would taste good no matter what the writing looked like. And then I saw the note inside...let me just start out by saying that my Mom is a perfectionist (there's no wondering where I got this little trait from, it's good in some ways, but not good in others, especially when you just cause yourself anxiety and unhappiness because things aren't "perfect." We both need to learn to just calm down and not worry so much...but anyway, on with the story). She had this idea of how the cookie should look and the cookie pictured above looks nothing like the way she here's the note she wrote that is just classic Mom (she wrote it in a completely serious tone. That's why it's so funny. Because she was truly upset about this cookie. And you have to take a long pause after each period when you read it):
So I had a good laugh about the note, had a bite of the cookie, and went on stage. I thought the performance as a whole went well. The audience laughed a lot and my family all seemed to enjoy it. I'm excited for Opening Night tonight. I am so excited to be in this show!!!! I know I've probably said that over and over in this blog and to some of you in person ever since I made it, but seriously, I can't believe I'm in a show at Desert Star! I'M SO EXCITED!
Thanks, as always, for listening! And thanks to my cute twin and my cute Mom for always making sure that I know they are thinking of me!!!!!
I would've eaten the part that was supposed to say "a leg" because it definitely had the most frosting! Your mom is just the dang cutest. And yes, you both need to calm down a little more and live your lives like me and Val. YOU DID AMAZING! I'M SO PROUD OF YOU! LOVE YOU!
Oh my gosh...I LOVED that note from your mom! It is awesome and you set it up so well in your story! I was just laughing out loud when I read the "perhaps she is retarded" part!
I am so excited for you too! I hope you have an amazing opening night!! I can't wait to come see you in it! I'm sure you'll be amazing!!!! I better pack now...(we're off to St. George...) Good luck tonight!!!!!!!
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